This article made me appreciate men a lot more than before. I understand that they have problems too even though they don't P.M.S. It made me understand why they act the inconsiderate ways that they do sometimes. It is what they have been taught to do their entire lifes by the media. They are protrayed as horny pigs in the media and so try to act like those men in real life sometimes. Men are amazing and deserve more credit than they get sometimes. They shouldn't have to be tough all the time.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Media Portrayals of Men and Masculinity - Media Awareness Network
I absolutely found this intrigueing. I never really thought about how the media affects guys before, usually there are only articles on women and the media. This I feel made me understand men more and the pressure they feel to fill stereotypes. They have to be tough, they have to be a provider, they usually are expected to be funny and not emotional. I never realized how hard it must be for some men to actually be that way. I know a lot of guys that in heart are big baby's. They are scared of pain but yet in front of their girlfriends or crushes they never let that fear show. They know they would get judged by people if they didn't act like super heros. I also have realized how scary being a provider is. I am graduating in one week and have realized how scared to death I am that i won't be able to make it on my. Gladly i don't have to move out anytime real soon, but if I did I would be screwed. Guys have to worry about that a lot more than girls because even with women and men becoming more equal, it is still mens job to provide for the family while women have the babies. 
This article made me appreciate men a lot more than before. I understand that they have problems too even though they don't P.M.S. It made me understand why they act the inconsiderate ways that they do sometimes. It is what they have been taught to do their entire lifes by the media. They are protrayed as horny pigs in the media and so try to act like those men in real life sometimes. Men are amazing and deserve more credit than they get sometimes. They shouldn't have to be tough all the time.
This article made me appreciate men a lot more than before. I understand that they have problems too even though they don't P.M.S. It made me understand why they act the inconsiderate ways that they do sometimes. It is what they have been taught to do their entire lifes by the media. They are protrayed as horny pigs in the media and so try to act like those men in real life sometimes. Men are amazing and deserve more credit than they get sometimes. They shouldn't have to be tough all the time.
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