Creation Myth
Easter Island?
Radisson, the god of wind, looked down from the sky upon where
the one thing he truly loved most once was. This love was an absolutely
stunning, breath-taking, and uplifting sight to all who once looked upon her.
Radisson’s love for her you could say was so strong and intense that it was a
love indescribable, a love that had the power to destroy a God.
Many years ago, Radisson was helping his father Radizio create
a world unlike any other worlds. This world had no Gods, it was a mortal earth
for mortals to roam and prove their strengths, talents, and goodness to all of
the Gods hopefully giving them reason to not destroy mankind. As this world was
created and put into motion, the Gods saw nothing but evil in the world. After
a short time, the Gods were fed up with the attitudes of the human race. “They
really don’t believe we exist, and think they are more powerful than us don’t
they?” Radisson once asked his father. His father upon hearing and realizing
this was extremely upset and felt forced by his anger to destroy the world he
created not so long ago. Volcanoes, tsunamis, floods and storms of every kind
fell upon Radizio’s creation. Everything in the power of the God’s path was
being destroyed; all the evil, selfishness, egos, anger, and pride of mankind
were being destroyed until one moment Radisson saw one specific maiden about to
be destroyed by an incoming tsunami who he could see not an ounce of evil in.
She was doing everything she could for the people of Adak Island and was
willing to sacrifice herself for the good of her people. At this moment
Radisson, without a second thought sent down a tornado to carry her and her
people to a deserted Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean near Chile.
Radizio angered with his sons actions but impressed with this beautiful woman
created with so much good inside of her, stopped the volcanoes, tsunamis,
floods and storms of every kind saving the world unlike any others.
Easter Island was what Radisson called this deserted Island
he sent the lovely lady and her people to. It was his personal sanctuary upon
earth where he went to get away from his Godly duties. The love he had gained
for this maiden in those short moments of terror, were like everyone says they
were; indescribable. Sacrificing his one get away from everything bad, was
nothing compared to what he wanted to give to her. He wanted so badly to be
with her and take care of her every day for the rest of her life upon his
father’s almost broken world but knew that, that was impossible. A God’s number
one rule is that they cannot live on mortal territory; they are two opposite
powers which clash and can’t survive in the same area. Radisson heartbroken but
glad his maiden was at least safe, provided for her and her people for all the
days of her life. Easter Island flourished; that was until the day his precious
maiden died. At that time, Radisson kind of quit living. Gods can’t physically
die, but Radisson died emotionally. All his inspiration for creation was gone,
without that a God was nothing. He stopped caring about anyone or anything so
Easter Island slowly perished without the constant resources provided by
Radisson’s selflessness and power. All that his maiden was, was soon gone from
his sight but would definitely never leave his heart.
The world that Radizio created went back to the way it was.
Mostly evil with some sparks of good. The only difference with life on that
world unlike no others after its proposed destruction was the constant wind
storms that struck different parts of it. The humans on that world didn’t
understand where these wind storms came from, and probably never would unless
one day they finally started believing in the divine, unreal powers and
sacrifices of the Gods.
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