Thursday, May 10, 2012

Song of Songs - Hebrew Bible

      “On my bed, at night, I sought him whom my heart loves. I sought but did not find him. So I will rise and go through the City; in the streets and the squares I will seek him whom my heart loves.” (pg. 282)
        I absolutely loved this verse from chapter 3 when I came upon it. It reminded me of so many nights that I have felt heart broken and just lost. It amazed me when after I read this verse because it got me thinking about how strong an emotion love is. It over powers your mind and honestly becomes the only thing that you can physically care about, think about, and feel. The girl in this story I know for a fact would of searched forever for the “him whom her heart loves” because once you love someone, you can’t be happy anymore being without them. As cheesy as it is they become your better half and after being a whole, being the boring old half again just doesn’t cut it.
        As I was reading this I kept thinking of the Titanic because in that story/movie their love is so passionate and strong. Also the guy in the movie is a romantic poet and when I read this verse from chapter 4 it made me think of him and how smooth/romantic poetry made him sound; “You ravish my heart, my sister, my bride, you ravish my heart with a single one of you glances, with one single pearl of your necklace. What spells lie in your love, my sister, my bride! How delicious is your love, more delicious than wine! How fragrant than all other spices! Your lips, my promised one, distill wild honey. Honey and milk are under your tongue; and the scent of your garments I like the scent of Lebanon (home).”(pg. 283)
           This whole Song of Solomon made me feel in love. It made me want to find a guy that says cute things to me and cherishes me like he seems to cherish this woman. It brought out a very true side of love to me; one that isn’t based on anything but physical and emotional connection. I thought it was absolutely beautiful.

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