This section I found almost irrevlevant to me. I think that gender doesn't matter now near as much as it used too. Men and women are almost considered equal and are especially considered equal in the work place. I hardly no a mom now a days that does not have a job and a good one at that. I actually no a few women who make more than there husbands do. I think it was important for me to read these passages because it opened up my eyes to how unequal things used to be but it was hard for me to relate to. I grew up watching my parents have an amazing relationship where if anything my mom had more power than my dad. I am grateful to be a woman and extremely grateful for amazing women in the past that have changed the way the world looks at us. I feel blessed to have my independence, and respect that many women in the past did not have. I think men are great but it was unfair for them to think that they were better than us. Women are amazing and need to continually be appreciated. Gender should never determine anyone's worth or status.
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