Friday, May 25, 2012

Reflection #7 - Racism/Segregation

         Thinking about what to say for this reflection has been hard for me. I don't know what to say except that racism makes me sad. I am glad that things are starting to change now and that in state terms blacks and whites are equal. We still have a lot of work to do though because in some people's hearts I'm not sure that they really believe that blacks and whites are equal. My own mother the other day said to me as we were talking about my best friend who is half black that she thinks the reason my friend doesn't have a lot of other friends is because she is ethnic. My mother is not racist at all but thinks that because she is ethnic she has a different personality and different communication skills than whites. That is supposively why she doesn't have many friends. I thought what my mother said was ridiculous because the reason she doesn't have a ton of friends is because she just moved here 1 year ago and didn't get to go to junior high or half of high school with all of the people that I did. I took into consideration what my mother said though because it made me realize that racism is not yet a battle won. By time my generation is grown-up and the ones in control I feel like racism will be a dead thing, but until then it will stay around because our older generation has not moved on yet. They grew up differently than my generation and still in their hearts believe that whites are superior in some ways to blacks. I honestly in my heart do believe that white and blacks are equal. We are all people and although different are still people. We all have the right to love and acceptance. I honestly hope one day soon that things become like this, the way they are in my heart.

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